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Launch of Lithium Battery Recycling Service

By admin / July 1, 2024
Battery Rescue has launched its Used Lithium battery collection & recycling service. It delivers, safe and regulation compliant storage &...
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Battery Rescue Presenting at the International Mine Health and Safety Conference

By admin / March 25, 2024
Come see our presentation “Waste Batteries – Are you ready for the coming avalanche?” at this year's IMHS Conference.
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Come Hear Our Story at the 8th Secondary Lead Conference

By admin / July 17, 2023
Come hear Battery Rescue's story at the 8th Secondary Lead Conference held in Cambodia from the 4th to 5th of...
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Has the Penny Finally Dropped?

By admin / May 9, 2023
Battery Rescue was founded in 2014, by its sister company Uniseg Products, to demonstrate a safer more environmentally sustainable system...
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Battery Rescue’s 2022 Update

By admin / November 29, 2022
2022 was highlighted by the successful auto-unloading trial of batteries from our BTS Containers and continued growth of our service...
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Successful Trial of Auto Unloading from BTS Container

By admin / July 31, 2022
Battery Rescue completed an auto-unloading trial of batteries from its Battery Transport & Storage (BTS) Container at the Nexus Recycling...
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2 New Options for Mine Site Clients

By admin / February 26, 2022
Battery Rescue has introduced 2 new battery collection service options for Western Australian mine sites. Previously to qualify for Battery...
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Surge in Demand for Mine Site Battery Collection Service

By admin / February 16, 2022
Battery Rescue’s battery collection service to Western Australian mine sites has experienced significant growth this year. We have welcomed the...
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Delays Commissioning Nexus’ Battery Recycling Facility

By admin / December 6, 2021
Commissioning of Nexus Recycling’s used lead acid battery recycling facility has been delayed. Originally scheduled for May / June this...
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Pros & Cons of Plastic Battery Bins

By admin / March 11, 2021
Plastic Battery Bins, such as the one pictured below, are becoming increasingly popular for the transportation of used lead acid...
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WA Lead Acid Battery Recycling Facility

By admin / October 28, 2020
Construction Commences on WA’s First Lead Acid Battery Recycling Facility FTR Operation Pty Ltd, trading as Nexus Recycling have commenced...
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Where Do Your Used Lead Acid Batteries Go?

By admin / August 13, 2020
Have you ever wondered what happens to your used lead acid battery, such as your car or motor vehicle battery,...
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Expansion of Battery Recycling Service to WA Mine Sites

By admin / April 15, 2020
Since commencing our battery collection service to the Western Australian mining sector, the service has continued to steadily expand with...
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New Regulations for Transporting Lead Acid Batteries

By admin / January 27, 2020
New regulations governing the transportation of lead acid batteries (new & used) are set to be adopted around October 2020,...
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Dry Cell Battery Recycling Service Launched

By admin / September 21, 2019
Battery Rescue has launched its waste dry cell or handheld battery recycling service. Also known as portable batteries, this includes...
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Why the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative is Wrong?

By admin / July 23, 2019
In February this year, our article “Why wood Pallets Shouldn’t Be Used for Transporting ULABs” was published in the Inside...
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ADGC Battery Packaging Requirements

By admin / February 1, 2019
What are the ADGC packaging requirements for transporting batteries in a plastic bin? There has been some confusion and industry...
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Battery Collection Service for BHP’s WAIO Mine Sites

By admin / December 4, 2018
Battery Rescue has supplied BHP’s 5 Western Australian Iron Ore (WAIO) Pilbara Mine Sites with 20 Battery Transport & Storage...
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GPS Tracking Trial at South32 Mine Site

By admin / August 28, 2018
Battery Rescue have completed a successful trial of a battery-powered GPS tracking device, fitted to a Battery Transport & Storage...
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Waste Consignors Urged to Undertake Chain of Responsibility analysis

By admin / March 16, 2018
Following an alarming 85% spike, last year, in fatalities due to accidents involving heavy vehicles in NSW, Paul Endycott  of...
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Battery Collection Service Established With First WA Mine Site

By admin / November 9, 2017
Battery Rescue Australia (BRA) has established its first Western Australian mine site customer for its regulation compliant used battery collection...
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Why the Wood Pallet should be banned for Used Lead Acid Battery Storage & Transport

By admin / October 12, 2017
The wood pallet is currently the default device used for transporting used lead acid batteries (ULAB) in Australia. It has...
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Australian Public & Environment Being Unnecessarily Exposed To Toxic Lead

By admin / October 5, 2017
The correct disposal of car batteries and other lead acid batteries, by the Australian public and businesses plays an important...
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NSW & Victoria Legislate to Ban Cash Payments by Scrap Metal Industry

By admin / June 8, 2017
The NSW and Victorian governments have enacted legislation this year to ban cash payments by the Scrap Metal Industry. The...
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The DMP Reminds Companies of the Importance of Safely Transporting Used Lead Acid Batteries

By admin / December 9, 2016
The Western Australian Department of Mines & Petroleum have issued a reminder to companies of the requirement to ensure that...
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UNISEG Pallet Used For UPS Battery Refresh Project

By admin / July 8, 2016
Perth based Secure Power Solutions ( completed in June, a UPS Battery Refresh Project for a WA Government facility. The...
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Widespread, Non Compliant Transportation of Used Batteries by WA Mining Companies

By admin / May 20, 2016
Evidence mounts of systemic non compliance by the Western Australian Mining industry... Battery Rescue is increasingly discovering more examples of...
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Battery Rescue win City of Albany contract for used battery collection

By admin / April 18, 2016
Battery Rescue have won the City of Albany contract for collection of their Used Lead Acid Batteries, using their unique...
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7 Perth, Coates Hire sites signup for Battery Rescue service

By admin / March 23, 2016
All of Coates Hire’s seven Perth sites have signed up for Battery Rescue’s battery collection service. For several sites the...
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Battery Rescue featured in Sustainability Matters Magazine

By admin / February 10, 2016
Battery Rescue, UNISEG Pallet and associated battery collection service are feature in the Feb / Mar edition of Sustainability Matters...
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Case Study – City of Canning Waste Transfer Station

By admin / January 28, 2016
Battery Rescue has prepared a Case Study of the Used Lead Acid Battery Collection Service recently implemented at the City...
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3 Signature Automotive Workshops Signup For Collection Service

By admin / November 9, 2015
Three prominent Perth automotive workshops have signed up this week for Battery Rescue's used battery collection service utilising the UNISEG...
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