Used Battery Collection Service
Battery Rescue provides a regulation compliant, safe, environmentally sustainable and convenient, used battery collection service to businesses and organisations (Used Battery Generators – UBGs) that accumulate used lead acid batteries. Our service revolves around the use of the purpose built, patented Battery Transport & Storage (BTS) Container, which provides a safer method for storing and transporting lead acid batteries, while reducing the environmental impact of batteries.
Our service is currently available in Metro Perth & Regional WA. If you are based outside of Western Australia you can purchase the BTS Containers from our sister company Uniseg Products.
We believe the use of wood pallets should be eliminated due to their inherit safety risks and impact on the environment. A full summary of the benefits of Battery Rescue’s battery collection service can be found here.
How it works;
- Battery Rescue provides your company with a FREE Battery Transport & Storage (BTS) Container for the safe, convenient and regulation compliant storage of your used lead acid batteries.
- Once full, contact Battery Rescue to arrange collection (Perth Metro only). Within several days we will collect the full BTS Container and deliver an empty exchange Container.
- Batteries collected via our contracted transport provider are shipped for recycling to an Australian battery recycling facilities.
- When the shipment weight has been confirmed we will email a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) and EFT payment within 7 days.
The Battery Rescue collection service also includes;
- Contracted transporter holds current Controlled Waste Carrier License for lead acid batteries.
- Transport compliant with ADGC and WA Transport Regulations.
- Waste Disposal Certificate provided with collection.
- Prices paid are based on annual volumes, see current battery prices.
- Container Transport Insurance & Maintenance (no charge)

For Regional & Mine Site Battery Recycling Service:
Reduce Your Company & Personal Risks
The majority of Used Battery Generators are not “Regulation Compliant” with respect to the correct storage, handling and transportation of used lead acid batteries (ULABs). As a Controlled Hazardous Waste and Dangerous Goods the storage, handling & transportation of ULAB’s is controlled by a raft of different regulations, which carry significant penalties for non-compliance.
“Chain Of Responsibility” provisions in Australian Transport Laws require consignors to ensure compliance by their transport providers. This applies to the off site transport of used lead acid batteries. Failure to discharge their responsibilities correctly can result in Companies, their Executives & Employees being deemed liable.
Battery Rescue’s collection service is designed to eliminate these risks to Companies & its Employees by delivering regulation compliant storage and transportation of used lead acid batteries. For a full summary of the benefits of Battery Rescue’s Battery Collection Service.
Not sure your meeting your regulatory obligations, check the common mistakes made by Used Battery Generators and discover what the regulations are for the storage, handling and transportation of used lead acid batteries.
Our Customers